MENU Open menu Toggle search bar What can we help you find? Submit search CART Harry's Cosmeticology 9th Ed. Water Technology & Water Treatment Fireworks Technology Company Home Publish Distribute Contact Permission Requests Blogs Categories Best Sellers Cement Technology Chemical Formula Series-H. Bennett Computational Dictionaries and Reference Food Science / Food Technology Formularies General Reference Industrial & Chemical Technology Medical Cosmetics & Fragrances Harry's 9th Database Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 Home > Cosmetics & Fragrances > New Unguent Bases and Lotions Our Price: $65.00 Product Code: 9780820601700 Description ISBN-13/EAN: 9780820601700ISBN: 0820601705Compiled by: Isaac Kenneth HoffmanChemical PublishingBook - PaperbackPub Date: 1957156 Pages Features A reference and guide to the more advanced types of unguent bases and lotions has long been needed by the pharmaceutical, medical, and allied professions. The efforts of the author have been rewarded by the satisfaction gained in filling this need.-FOR THE PHARMACIST, this book opens a wide field of reference and application to topical pharmaceutical preparations. From these formulae, he may choose those which are most satisfactory for his needs. He can utilize them as stock vehicles or use the diverse data as a source of information when advising the physician.-FOR THE PHYSICIAN, this book will serve as a ready reference and formula guide to the various classes of dermatological products. Its value as a prescribing aid is enhanced by the description included with each formula. It has also the advantage that it lists specific preparations which can be used for special purposes.-FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURER, the formulae in this book can be of great value for commercial product development. The fine appearance, economy, safety, and ease of manufacture of the products listed, will make them especially suitable for pharmaceutical preparations.-FOR THE COSMETIC MANUFACTURER, the versatility and special characteristics of the preparations described in the book present many interesting possibilities for commercial application. They can be combined with all types of perfumes, colors, or other cosmetic materials. As luxury products, these formulations are well chosen because of their attractiveness, effectiveness, safety, economy and ease of manufacture.-FOR USE AS A TEXT, this book is of practical value, because it covers extensively the various classes of emulsified pharmaceutical preparations for topical use. Simple mixtures, solutions, or suspensions are not included. The descriptive material offers useful information to students of pharmacy, medicine, and related fields.Contents - Foreword - Author's Preface - Acknowledgments - Introduction - Washable Oil-in-Water Unguent Bases - Washable Oil-in-Water Lotions - Nonwashable Water-in-Oil Unguent Bases - Nonwashable Water-in-Oil Lotions - Washable Anhydrous Oil-in-Water Unguent Bases - Nonwashable Anhydrous Water-in-Oil Unguent Bases - Bibliography - Index - Related Products... Harry's Cosmeticology, 8th Edition Vol, 1 Formulary of Perfumes and Cosmetics Harry's Cosmeticology 9th Edition eBook Bennett's Cosmetic Formulary Our Price: $195.00 Add Our Price: $135.00 Add Our Price: $950.00 Add Our Price: $120.00 Add Harry's Cosmeticology 9th Edition 3 Vol Hardcover Set Harry's Cosmeticology 7th Edition Cosmetics: Their Principles and Practices Harry's Cosmeticology 9th Edition Volume 1 Our Price: $950.00 Add Our Price: $150.00 Add Our Price: $160.00 Add Our Price: $300.00 Add Share your knowledge of this product with other customers... Be the first to write a review